This website functions up to the 3rd version's expectations. The pages that are expected to be present are, with the appropriate flavor as expected for a website based around a game development company. Quotes are taken from the database rather then locally. No changes were needed for quotes.json but it has been renamed to quotes_mongo.json all the same. --jsonArray was used to let MongoDB make the appropriate changes automatically The previous error with the slideshow not changing size with the webpage has been resolved. Because it wasn't clear what the feedback email should look like on the business side, I made minor changes to the format so the message makes more logical sense "We recieved the following feedback..." rather then sending the customer version twice. Both versions are very similar otherwise. feedback.txt is empty, but it does work properly. I just removed the contents manually for submission to make it easier to see its functionality. The form feedback functions the same as the amazing stuff website. But it does not turn red when nothing is entered, which is the same as the amazing stuff website. Given the discrepancy between the website functionality and the instructions, I have opted to use the website's functionality. The business email has been changed to