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Today's educating quote, from Richard A. Clarke:
“If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked”
Archived Webinar Topics

Before the official establishment of VigilantIQ Solutions, we conducted several webinars that set the foundation for our commitment to cybersecurity education. Here are brief summaries of two archived webinars from our early days:

  • Thursday, August 15, 2023

    Delving into the Crypt: Exploring the Basics of Cryptography Our inaugural webinar explored the fundamental principles of cryptography, unraveling the secrets behind encryption algorithms and their significance in cybersecurity.

  • Wednesday, September 5, 2023

    Cyber Hygiene 101: Building a Strong Security Foundation This foundational webinar focused on the importance of cyber hygiene practices for individuals and organizations. Topics included password management, software updates, and essential security measures.

In the future, this page will feature links to detailed archives of these past webinars, allowing you to revisit valuable insights and educational content. Stay tuned for updates, as we plan to continually expand this archive with summaries and resources from each webinar, providing a rich repository of cybersecurity knowledge. Your feedback is always welcomed, and if there's a particular archived webinar you believe should be revisited, let us know!