{ "_id": 1, "author": "Richard A. Clarke", "text":"If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked", "adjective":"educating" } { "_id": 2, "author": "Gene Spafford", "text": "The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete, and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.", "adjective": "insightful" } { "_id": 3, "author": "Theodore Roosevelt", "text": "To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.", "adjective": "thought-provoking" } { "_id": 4, "author": "Daniel J. Boorstin", "text": "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.", "adjective": "profound" } { "_id": 5, "author": "James Comey", "text": "The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, and so too must our understanding and defenses.", "adjective": "awareness-raising" } { "_id": 6, "author": "Howard Schmidt", "text": "Cybersecurity is much more than a matter of IT. It's about securing our future, protecting our innovations, and preserving the trust of those we serve.", "adjective": "enlightening" } { "_id": 7, "author": "Kurt Seifried", "text": "In cybersecurity, the more unpredictable your strategy is, the more secure it will be.", "adjective": "strategy-focused" } { "_id": 8, "author": "Bruce Schneier", "text": "Security is not a product, but a process.", "adjective": "process-oriented" } { "_id": 9, "author": "Lance Cottrell", "text": "The weakest link in the security chain is the most important. As cyber threats continue to evolve, education becomes our strongest defense.", "adjective": "resilience-building" } { "_id": 10, "author": "Unknown", "text": "In the world of cybersecurity, the good guys have to get it right every time; the bad guys only have to get it right once.", "adjective": "eye-opening" } { "_id": 11, "author": "Stephanie Mango", "text": "Cybersecurity is not just about protecting data; it's about preserving trust and confidence in the digital age.", "adjective": "trust-building" } { "_id": 12, "author": "Edward Snowden", "text": "Saying 'I don't care about privacy because I have nothing to hide' is like saying 'I don't care about freedom of speech because I have nothing to say.'", "adjective": "thought-provoking" } { "_id": 13, "author": "Mikko Hyppönen", "text": "Antivirus cannot protect you from stupidity.", "adjective": "blunt" } { "_id": 14, "author": "Bruce Schneier", "text": "The internet is no longer a web that we connect to. Instead, it's a computerized, networked, and interconnected world that we live in. This is the future, and what we're calling an 'adversary' is really a fellow participant in this new world.", "adjective": "insightful" } { "_id": 15, "author": "Brian Kernighan", "text": "Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.", "adjective": "humorous" } { "_id": 16, "author": "Eugene Kaspersky", "text": "In the digital world, where the focus is often on accessibility and convenience, security should never be an afterthought.", "adjective": "insightful" } { "_id": 17, "author": "Wendy Nather", "text": "The best way to predict the future is to create it, but be mindful that security is an integral part of that creation.", "adjective": "forward-thinking" } { "_id": 18, "author": "Rob Joyce", "text": "Cybersecurity is not just a technical issue, but a human one. It's about understanding people and predicting their behavior as much as it's about systems and software.", "adjective": "human-centric" } { "_id": 19, "author": "Rik Ferguson", "text": "The strongest chain in cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link. Every individual plays a crucial role in the collective defense against cyber threats.", "adjective": "collaborative" } { "_id": 20, "author": "Deborah Peel", "text": "Privacy is not about hiding; it's about protecting what matters most to us and ensuring that our personal information remains under our control.", "adjective": "privacy-conscious" } { "_id": 21, "author": "Marcus Ranum", "text": "If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't understand the problems, and you don't understand the technology.", "adjective": "realistic" } { "_id": 22, "author": "Jack Rhysider", "text": "IT Security is like the brakes of your car. And the brakes are there to let you go faster. None of us would drive fast without brakes. IT security let's you go fast.", "adjective": "interesting" } { "_id": 23, "author": "Jack Rhysider", "text": "As a security engineer, I need to know a little bit about everything.", "adjective": "hilarious" } { "_id": 24, "author": "Jack Rhysider", "text": "I think what [we], as security people, lack sometimes is good communication.", "adjective": "insightful" }