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Today's quote, from the poet of the east, Allama Iqbal: "Life is a journey, embrace its mysteries with an unwavering spirit. In the ebb and flow of existence, find the melody of your soul. Seek not the destination, but the lessons in each step. Iqbal's wisdom echoes: 'Live as if you are to die tomorrow; learn as if you are to live forever.'"

Archived Events

Even before our founding, we held a couple of events leading up to the formal opening of Amazing Stuff at the beginning of 2020. Here are brief summaries of those two events:

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
We hosted a visitor who claimed to have a piece of the Shroud of Turin, which he would auction off at the end of the evening. The evening did not go that well.
Friday, December 31, 2021
We first gathered at our new headquarters-to-be, but then the group repaired to the basement of an acquaintance who claimed to have in his possession the very first ball ever dropped on New Years Eve in Times Square. Not all of those who attended were convinced.

Eventually we will have links on this page to those event details, as well as links to the details of any future events once they have occurred. So you will eventually be able to look through our past events and perhaps let us know if you think any of them should be repeated.