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Today's quote, from the poet of the east, Allama Iqbal: "Life is a journey, embrace its mysteries with an unwavering spirit. In the ebb and flow of existence, find the melody of your soul. Seek not the destination, but the lessons in each step. Iqbal's wisdom echoes: 'Live as if you are to die tomorrow; learn as if you are to live forever.'"

Upcoming One-Off Events

Here is a current list of our upcoming one-off events for this year:

Friday, April 1, 2022
A talk on some of the more interesting "April Fool" jokes of the last 50 years.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
A talk on the ins, outs, ups, and downs of 4/20.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
A video presentation of various "May Day" celebrations, demonstrations and riots over the years.

Note that all events will be held at our location at 7pm, unless otherwise noted on this page at least 24 hours before the event in question. Further details on each event may also appear here from time to time as the event approaches.