
It's Sunday, February 11th.
Our time is 7:40pm.
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Today's advisory quote, from Nelson Mandela: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

DashBear: Our Vision and Mission

In the midst of global travels, a group of friends stumbled upon a treasure trove of unique products. Excitement brewed as they shared stories about these amazing finds. A collective spark ignited the idea of bringing these treasures back home and sharing them with the world in one of the friends. The thought of making these exceptional products accessible to others sparked the birth of DashBear – an e-commerce giant born from a simple idea shared among friends.

Of course it is well known that, "One man's treasure is another man's garbage." Thus we cannot expect that everything we find amazing, or even iteresting, will excite the same level of admiration in others. However, we think that each of the items we present is "objectively amazing" at some level, and we hope that you will agree.