I made all the scripts and pages we were required to make, but I think I have not linked them properly. I tried to fix the registration and login form, while they display fine, they always give an error when logging in. Due to this, despite creating the shopping cart code exactly the way the professor did by rewatching a lot of the lecture recordings, I was unable to view it. I know the checkout and shoppingCart are working, as I saw them working as they are intended. For some reason, I was randomly logged in as Asfand Y Khan when I clicked on the checkout page. I used AsfandKhan as my username, the password was Paecha177@ Since the last submission, I did fix the sitemap, I did not update it since submission 04 hence whenever I would click at some pages, the pages would not load. That is fixed now. The shopping cart should work fine as well, if I manage to solve the login issue before the deadline. The Professor showed the code for that in the lecture, so I did the shopping cart the exact way he did. The checkout too.