
It's Thursday, March 13th.
Our time is 11:11am.
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Today's dearest quote, from Wendell Berry: The earth is what we all have in common

Our Vision:

We aim to be a reliable, go-to company for those looking for small gifts and trinkets for friends, family, or even themselves. We want to take away just a small portion of business from big box stores in an effort to make this world just a bit more sustainable. Ultimately, we see ourselves opening up several in person locations in the coming years.

Our Mission:

Competing with big companies such as Amazon and Walmart isn't easy for a small company who can't compete when it comes to prices. We aim to cater to the socially conscious customer who wants to support a small business whom they know conducts business ethically without problematic labor practices. The 'gift\' industry is a saturated one, but we believe we can bring a bit of extra joy to this world.