This website is not complete. A couple of notes: -- I was able to implement the date/time changes without changing banner.html to banner.php. To do this I added a separate time.js file under scripts and linked it in the header.html file. It uses the same method as the sample site, I just divided call and the php into different files -- my carousel.js file works differently than how the professor did it. Mine just uses the single carousel.js file (no extra html file) where the image links and descriptions are stored in arrays, and then looped through. The script changes the src value of the image and calls innerHTML to change the image description -- to obtain the daily quote, I still have my original get_quote php and js files, but they are no longer used. The new get_quote_mongo php and js files are the ones actually being used to obtain the daily quote, but I kept the originals in there as a point of reference -- instead of manually resizing all my images, I used css to make them all the same size with still keeping the aspect ratio -- I renamed the required feedback files to my own (pages/feedbackForm.php -> pages/tell_us.php, scripts/feedbackFormProcess.php -> scripts/tell_us_process.php, data/feedback.txt -> data/comments.txt). Everything still functions as its supposed to, they just have different file names -- my forms don't retain customer information -- registration_form_response.php I placed into the pages subdirectory -- the tables in MySQL were first created then a separate .sql script was run to populate the tables -- a single product table was used (no category table) -- pages/scripts used for catalogue and category are called product_catalogue.php and product_category.php (with _process appended for the corresponding processes)