ch06/readme.txt Study Order for Files in This Directory These are the files from Chapter 6. --------------------------------------- ========================= NOTE ============================ Even though all HTML files in this directory should validate as HTML 5 and CSS 3, you should note that as of this writing you will still get an "empty element" warning if an element (such as the h3 element in buy3.html or buy4.html) contains only an empty script element with the path to an external JavaScript file in its src attribute. And if you validate TestFormControls.html, you will receive warnings about form controls that may not be available in your browser. ========================= NOTE ============================ 0. default.css The CSS file used for all files in this directory. 1. estore.html To provide an "ordinary" HTML file to compare and contrast with the following three examples. 2. estoreEmbedded.html To illustrate a script element "embedded" within the body element of a web page and containing some JavaScript code. 3. estoreExternal.html and estoreExternal.js To illustrate a script element located within the body element of a web page, but instead of containing JavaScript code the element has a src attribute whose value is an external file containing JavaScript code. 4. estorePopup.html and estorePopup.js To illustrate another external JavaScript file containing the code for a popup message window. 5. bmiForm.html, together with three external JavaScript files The bmiForm.html file contains a version of the BMI form set up for input validation and actual calculation of the BMI value. - scripts/bmiFormProcess.js External JavaScript file containing the "driver" code for dealing with the BMI form. - scripts/bmiFormValidate.js External JavaScript file containing code for validating BMI form elements. - scripts/bmiCalculate.js External JavaScript file containing code for performing the BMI calculation once all input has been validated. 6. feedbackForm.html and scripts/feedbackFormValidate.js To illustrate a simple feedback form, together with an external JavaScript file containing code for validating some of the form elements. 7. TestHTML5FormControls.html and modernizr_inputtypes.js, though this js file is "minimized" JavaScript and hence is basically unreadable, even though it's text. This example is designed to show you whether certain new form controls only available since HTML 5 are available in your browser of choice and the version of that browser you happen to be using. When you open the file in your browser there will be a message telling you, for each form control shown, whether it works or not in your browser.