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It's Friday, March 14thThe current time is 1:15am.
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High Performance

The High Performance group is a new group designed for swimmers who needed an even higher level of training than the standard Senior program. These will be some of the most intense practices offered by the Trojans. The schedule has 10 practices a week, including multiple 2-hour workouts and swimming twice a day on most days. 4 practices will be run as joint practices with Senior, another will be with both Senior and Junior, and the remaining 5 will be exclusive to High Performance. Most, if not all High Performance swimmers will qualify for Eastern Canadian Championships and/or Age Group Nationals. High Performance swimmers will be coached by our head coach Lance.
Practices (*C practices at Centennial Pool, all other practices at Dalplex.)
Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
High Performance AM 6:00-7:30 *C OFF 6:00-7:30 *C 6:00-7:30 *C 6:00-7:30 6:30-8:30 *C
PM 5:00-7:00 4:30-6:00 *C 5:00-7:00 4:30-6:00 *C 5:00-7:00 OFF

The next High Performance practice is Friday, 6:00am-7:30am at Dalplex.