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It's Friday, March 14thThe current time is 12:41am.
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In Junior, swimmers will be introduced to some early versions of advanced training methods. While specialization does not take place here, swimmers will be encouraged to identify their strength and weaknesses. Swimmers will practices 7 times a week and will sometimes swim twice in a single day. There will also be a 2-hour practice of Saturday mornings with Senior and High Performance. Many Junior swimmers will push for and may qualify for East Coasts, and the vast majority will already qualify for Ken Dunn. Aaron will be the coach for the Juniors.
Practices (*C practices at Centennial Pool, all other practices at Dalplex.)
Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Junior AM OFF OFF 6:00-7:30 OFF 6:00-7:30 *C 6:30-8:30 *C
PM 4:30-6:00 *C 5:00-6:30 OFF 5:00-6:30 4:30-5:30 OFF

The next Junior practice is Saturday, 6:30am-8:30am at Centennial.