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It's Friday, March 14thThe current time is 12:43am.
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Trojan 1

In Trojan 1, the practice schedule is upped to 3 practices per week, one of which is 1.5 hours in length. Here, swimmers are expected to be used to both training and competing. Many swimmers have aged out or will age out of the NovaTech meets before or in Trojan 1 and will begin swimming meets at the Age-Group Provincial level. As such, the emphasis on competitive skills from Trojan 2 continues here, now with more focus on swimming further distances. Swimmers here are typically in late elementary school, but may be older or younger depending on ability.
Practices (*C practices at Centennial Pool, all other practices at Dalplex.)
Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Trojan 1 PM 4:30-5:30 OFF 4:30-5:30 OFF 4:30-6:00 *C OFF

The next Trojan 1 practice is Monday, 4:30-5:30 at Dalplex.