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It's Friday, March 14thThe current time is 12:43am.
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Trojan 2

Trojan 2 continues the fun-based program from Novice, but with a little more emphasis on competition. Practice length is upped to an hour and practices take place two evenings a week at the Dalplex. Plenty of attention is given to strokes, dives, and turns here, in particular, technique that will help in swim meet success. Most Trojan 2 swimmers will be in the mid to late elementary school age range, depending on ability.
Practices (*C practices at Centennial Pool, all other practices at Dalplex.)
Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Trojan 2 PM OFF 4:30-5:30 OFF 4:30-5:30 OFF OFF

The next Trojan 2 practice is Tuesday, 4:30-5:30 at Dalplex.