=== Your Nepali Products Website === Welcome to Your Nepali Products website! This project aims to create a digital platform that celebrates the rich cultural heritage and exquisite craftsmanship of Nepal. Explore a curated collection of handcrafted wonders, discover the beauty embedded in each creation, and support local artisans with every purchase. The project structure follows a modular approach for better organization and maintenance: 1. common - Contains shared components like header and footer. 2. css - Includes CSS files for styling the website. 3. images - Stores images used in the project, such as the logo and product images. 4. pages - Holds individual pages of the website. - aboutus.php: About Us page content. - location.php: Our Locations page content. - sorry.php: Placeholder for inactive pages. - ... (other pages) 5. submission01 - Main directory for the project. - my_business.php: Main homepage content and entry point of the website. - readme.txt: This file providing an overview of the project.