Submission 03 focuses on enhancing the existing website through two key features. Firstly, it integrates MongoDB to manage the collection of daily quotes, migrating it from a JSON text file to a more robust and scalable database solution. A PHP script has been implemented to retrieve a random daily quote from the MongoDB database, ensuring dynamic and up-to-date content for users. Secondly, the submission activates a feedback form accessible from the About Us dropdown menu, employing HTML5 pattern attributes for form validation. Upon successful submission, users receive email confirmations while the business receives notifications. Additionally, feedback information is stored in a file on the server named "feedback.txt". The submission includes organized file structures, with PHP scripts in the "scripts" directory, pages in the "pages" directory, and resources like the original JSON file of quotes in the "resources" directory. The placement of files for submission is instructed to be in the appropriate directory in the Linux account. Thorough testing is advised to ensure proper functioning of all functionalities, including database access, form validation, and email notifications. Final checks emphasize maintaining consistency in design, responsiveness, and validation across the website, addressing any outstanding issues, and ensuring the adequacy of the readme.txt for guiding testing procedures.