README.TXT Welcome to Your Nepali Products Website (Submission 05)! - Our website, "Your Nepali Products," aims to showcase and sell a variety of products from Nepal. In this submission, we have focused on implementing the product catalog display feature, allowing users to browse through different product categories and view individual products. - We have set up MySQL tables to store product information. Our database includes the following tables: - Table: products - Description: This table stores information about the products available in our inventory. - Columns: - product_id (INT, Primary Key): Unique identifier for each product. - name (VARCHAR): Name of the product. - description (TEXT): Description of the product. - price (DECIMAL): Price of the product. - quantity (INT): Quantity available in stock. - category_id (INT, Foreign Key): ID referencing the category the product belongs to. - image_path (VARCHAR): Path to the image file of the product. - Table: categories - Description: This table stores information about the categories of products available. - Columns: - category_id (INT, Primary Key): Unique identifier for each category. - name (VARCHAR): Name of the category. - description (TEXT): Description of the category. 3. Catalog Display Feature: - When users click on the "Product Catalog" link, a PHP connection is made to the database to retrieve product category information. - The page displays a list of product categories, allowing users to browse through different categories of products. - Upon clicking on a category, users are directed to a page displaying all products within that category, along with their details such as name, description, price, and quantity in stock. - Each product listing includes an "Add to Cart" button, currently inactive with a popup indicating its non-functionality. - The product category page also contains a button link to return users to the main catalog page. 4. File Structure: - New files and directories have been added to the submission05 directory as follows: - pages/: - catalog.php (Product catalog page) - category.php (Individual product category page) - scripts/: - db_connection.php (PHP script for database connection) - product_info.php (PHP script for retrieving product information) - MySQL script files for table creation and data insertion. - README.TXT (This file) 5. MySQL Table Setup: - We have utilized a single product table along with a categories table to organize product information efficiently. - Data insertion into the tables has been done via SQL scripts.