Original value of \$a is $a and \$b is $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a == $b is ", (int) ($a == $b), "."; if ($a == $b) echo "
That is, $a equals $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is not equal to $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a != $b is ", (int) ($a != $b), "."; if ($a != $b) echo "
That is, $a is not equal to $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is equal to $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a > $b is ", (int) ($a > $b), "."; if ($a > $b) echo "
That is, $a is greater than $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is not greater than $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a < $b is ", (int) ($a < $b), "."; if ($a < $b) echo "
That is, $a is less than $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is not less than $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a >= $b is ", (int) ($a >= $b), "."; if ($a >= $b) echo "
That is, $a is greater than or equal to $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is not greater than or equal to $b.

"; echo "

The value of $a <= $b is ", (int) ($a <= $b), "."; if ($a <= $b) echo "
That is, $a is less than or equal to $b.

"; else echo "
That is, $a is not less than or equal to $b.

"; echo "
"; $s = "Hello"; $t = 'hello'; echo "

Original value of \$s is \"$s\" and \$t is '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" == '$t' is ", (int) ($s == $t), "."; if ($s == $t) echo "
That is, \"$s\" equals '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not equal to '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" != '$t' is ", (int) ($s != $t), "."; if ($s != $b) echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not equal to '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is equal to '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" > '$t' is ", (int) ($s > $t), "."; if ($s > $b) echo "
That is, \"$s\" is greater than '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not greater than '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" < '$t' is ", (int) ($s < $t), "."; if ($s < $b) echo "
That is, \"$s\" is less than '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not less than '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" >= '$t' is ", (int) ($s >= $t), "."; if ($s >= $b) echo "
That is, \"$s\" is greater than or equal to '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not greater than or equal to '$t'.

"; echo "

The value of \"$s\" <= '$t' is ", (int) ($s <= $t), "."; if ($s <= $b) echo "
That is, \"$s\" is less than or equal to '$t'.

"; else echo "
That is, \"$s\" is not less than or equal to '$t'.

"; ?>