==2==You sent me the values " . $_POST['first'] . " and " . $_POST['second'] . ".
==2==Here is their product: " . $_POST['first'] * $_POST['second'] . ""; echo "

==3==You sent me the values $_POST[first] and $_POST[second].

"; //Note in the above statement that within the double quoted string //there are no single quotes surrounding first or second, which works //but is not necessarily the recommended way to access the array values. //If you want to put everything inside double quotes, including array //values that you want interpolated, you can do it this way: echo "

==4==You sent me the values {$_POST['first']} and {$_POST['second']}.

"; //In any case, be careful not to do this ... it doesn't work: //echo "You sent me the values $_POST['first'] and $_POST['second']."; ?>