ch04/nature1_readme.txt The nature1 subdirectory of this chapter contains a version of our Nature's Source website that is analogous (from the user's point of view) to the simple version of our website in the nature1 subdirectory of the previous chapter. The page contains the same four components (logo, address, text, and image), but gone is the use of a table for layout, and we are now using CSS to achieve essentially the same "look and feel" we had before. Two interface changes we have made in this version, with the help of CSS, are these: - First, we specify a width for our page. - Second, we right-justify the text of the company address. Behind the scenes in this example, in the markup, we also introduce these new HTML 5 "semantic elements": - header - main - article Previously, to achieve the same effect, we would likely have had three div elements with these names as values of their id attributes. This page should validate as HTML 5 and CSS 3. Full list of nature1 subdirectory contents: -- index.html (our home page) -- images (subdirectory) files: -- naturelogo.gif (the Nature's Source logo) -- outdoor4.jpg (a business-related image for our home page) -- css (subdirectory) files: -- default.css (our CSS style sheet for the first version of our website in this chapter)