ch04/nature2_readme.txt The nature2 subdirectory of this chapter contains a version of our Nature's Source website that is functionally equivalent to either nature2 or nature3 from Chapter 3 (remember that the only difference between those two was "behind the scenes", in that nature3 used SSI, whereas nature2 did not). Though the functionality of the current nature2 is the same as those previous two versions, the styling and layout are very different since this one uses CSS for both styling and layout of the home page as well as for all the pages that link to it. We hope you agree that the website is much improved by this use of CSS. This version of our website also makes use of the following HTML 5 new semantic elements: header, footer, main, article and nav Every page on this version of the website should validate as HTML 5 and CSS 3. Full list of nature2 subdirectory contents: -- index.html (our home page) -- images (subdirectory) files: -- naturelogo.gif (the Nature's Source logo) -- outdoor4.jpg (a business-related image for our home page) -- common (subdirectory) files: -- document_head.html (DOCTYPE, opening html tag, and head element) -- footer_content.html (copyright notice and two-element menu) -- logo.html (logo image) -- mainmenu.html (main menu with five menu items) -- css (subdirectory) files: -- default.css (our CSS style sheet for the second version of our website in this chapter) -- pages (subdirectory) files linked to from the home page: -- about.html -- bmi.html -- catalog.html -- contact.html -- employment.html -- estore.html -- expert.html -- featured.html -- feedback.html -- links.html -- locations.html -- news.html -- products.html -- services.html -- sitemap.html -- suppliers.html -- tools.html -- vision.html -- yourhealth.html