ch07/nature1_readme.txt The nature1 subdirectory of this chapter contains a version of our Nature's Source website that has implemented rotating images on the home page, as well as "dropdown" menus that are activated when the user's mouse hovers over (most of) the items in the main menu (except for Home, e-store, and Site Map). Note, however, that this site contains only the home page, since none of the dropdown menu links on the page is active. The only page (the home page) in this version of our website should validate as HTML 5 and CSS 3. Full list of nature1 subdirectory contents: -- index.html (our home page) -- images (subdirectory) files: -- naturelogo.gif (the Nature's Source logo) -- outdoor1.jpg to outdoor6.jpg (outdoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekend days- Friday, Saturday and Sunday) -- indoor1.jpg to indoor6.jpg (indoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekdays-Monday to Thursday) -- common (subdirectory) files: -- document_head.html (DOCTYPE, opening html tag, and head element) -- footer_content.html (copyright notice, but no two-element menu) -- logo.html (logo image) -- menus.html (our new dropdown menus) -- css (subdirectory) files: -- desktop.css (our CSS style sheet for the desktop view of our home page) -- tablet.css (our CSS style sheet for the tablet view of our home page) -- scripts (subdirectory) files: -- menus.js to handle the dropdown menus on our home page (and all other pages when we have other pages in nature2) -- rotate.js to handle the image rotation on our home page