ch08/nature_readme.txt The version of our Nature's Source website in the nature subdirectory of this chapter retains all the functionality of the nature2 version of Chapter 7 (rotating images and dropdown menus in particular), but now we have introduced server- side processing with PHP. So, first, although the BMI form data is still validated client-side using JavaScript, once that data has been validated it is sent to the server, where the BMI calculation is now performed by PHP and sent back to the browser (and also e-mailed to the user, if requested). Second, the feedback form data is also validated client-side, but via some of the new HTML 5 input form control features, rather than via JavaScript. And as with the BMI form, once the data has been validated, it is sent to the server for processing, which includes a confirmation browser display to the user, an e-mail to the business and, if requested, one to the user, and also a log on the server of the feedback form contents. Furthermore, we make use of AJAX to display the date and time as part of our Welcome message. Full list of nature subdirectory contents: -- index.php is our home page, located at the root level of the subdirectory -- files in the images subdirectory: -- naturelogo.gif (the Nature's Source logo) -- outdoor1.jpg to outdoor6.jpg (outdoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekend days- Friday, Saturday and Sunday) -- indoor1.jpg to indoor6.jpg (indoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekdays-Monday to Thursday) -- files in the common subdirectory: -- document_head.html (DOCTYPE, opening html tag, and head element) -- footer_content.html (copyright notice, but no two-element menu) -- banner.php (logo image plus Welcome message with date and time) -- time.php (refreshes date and time for banner.php, via AJAX) -- menus.html (our new dropdown menus) -- files in the css subdirectory: -- desktop.css (contains the CSS styles for the desktop view of our website pages) -- tablet.css (contains the CSS styles for the tablet view of our website pages) -- data (subdirectory) files: -- feedback.txt (contains archived feedback-form data submitted by site visitors) -- static files in the pages subdirectory: -- about.php -- catalog.php -- employment.php -- estore.php -- expert.php -- featured.php -- links.php -- locations.php -- news.php -- services.php -- sitemap.php -- suppliers.php -- tools.php -- vision.php -- dynamic files in the pages subdirectory: -- bmiForm.php -- feedbackForm.php -- files in the scripts subdirectory: -- menus.js to handle the dropdown menus -- rotate.js to handle the image rotation on our home page -- bmiFormProcess.php to act as the "driver" for handling the BMI form -- bmiFormValidate.js to validate the data entries for the BMI form -- bmiCalculate.php to perform the BMI calculation -- feedbackFormProcess.php to act as the "driver" for handling the feedback form -- feedbackFormValidate.js is actually just a "placeholder" here since feedback form data validation is accomplished by other means in this version of the website (see the comments in the file itself for further details)