ch08/readme.txt Study Order for Files in This Directory These are the files from Chapter 8. --------------------------------------- All HTML markup in the files of this directory should validate as HTML 5 and all CSS files should validate as CSS 3. 1. welcome.php Shows a static welcome page with a date and time that do not update. 2. welcome_refresh.php Shows a dynamic welcome page with a date and time that update every 60 seconds, but the entire page refreshes at that rate. 3. welcome_ajax.php Shows a dynamic welcome page on which the date and time information lines update every 60 seconds but the rest of the page remains static after loading. 4. time.php Provides the updated date and time to the AJAX request from welcome_ajax.php. 5. test_get.html and test_get.php These two files illustrate how the GET protocol works for submitting form data to a server-side PHP script for processing. 6. test_post.html and test_post.php These two files illustrate how the POST protocol works for submitting form data to a server-side PHP script for processing. 7. get_is_the_default.php This file illustrates the fact that you can supply data to a PHP script directly (at the end of its URL), without using a form to submit the data, and when you do so it is the GET protocol that applies. 8. files in the nature subdirectory (see nature_readme.txt)