ch10/nature_readme.txt The version of our Nature's Source website in the nature subdirectory of this chapter is the "grand finale" version of the website we have been developing since the beginning of the text. In this final version we have all of the following: - valid HTML 5 markup for page content structure and valid CSS 3 for page content styling and layout - rotating images on the home page and dropdown menus on every page, both achieved with the help of JavaScript - validation of form data entered by clients, using both HTML 5 form control validation and JavaScript validation - server-side processing with PHP to -- display a welcome message that includes the date and time, updated every 60 seconds with the help of AJAX -- send the results from BMI-form and feedback-form submission to the client via e-mail -- archive feedback-form data on the server - PHP mysqli_xx() function connections to a server-side MySQL database to register users and permit them to login, to retrieve product information for display and sale, thereby simulating the processing of online sales transactions - several SQL scripts that can be used from the MySQL command line interface to monitor experimentation with registration and online shopping activity via the website's e-store Full list of nature subdirectory contents: -- index.php is our home page, located at the root level of the subdirectory -- files also located at the root level of the subdirectory: get_me.sql - confirms a particular user's registration delete_me.sql - deletes a particular user's registration get_orders.sql - used to monitor orders and corresponding order items as a user "shops" online via the e-store delete_orders.sql - deletes a particular user's orders and order items, along with "orphaned" orders get_table_sizes.sql - shows the current table sizes of all tables in the Nature's Source database -- files in the images subdirectory: -- naturelogo.gif (the Nature's Source logo) -- outdoor1.jpg to outdoor6.jpg: outdoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekend days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) -- indoor1.jpg to indoor6.jpg: indoor exercise scenes to be displayed in rotation on our home page on weekdays (Monday to Thursday) -- files in the images/products subdirectory: -- prod0.jpg to prod9.jpg: These are just "placeholder" images, which represent products that a user can view and/or purchase when browsing our e-store. -- files in the common subdirectory: -- document_head.html (contains DOCTYPE declaration, opening html tag, and head element with links to all JavaScript script files) -- footer_content.html (contains just our copyright notice) -- banner.php (contains our logo image plus a Welcome message with current date and time) -- time.php (a simple server-side PHP script that provides the "refreshed" date and time for banner.php, via AJAX) -- menus.html (contains the markup for our dropdown menus) -- files in the css subdirectory: -- desktop.css (contains the CSS styles for the desktop view of our website pages) -- estore.css (contains the additional CSS styles relevant to the website pages related to our e-store) -- files in the data subdirectory: -- feedback.txt (contains archived feedback-form data submitted by site visitors) -- static files in the pages subdirectory (carried over from previous versions of the website): -- about.php -- employment.php -- expert.php -- featured.php -- links.php -- locations.php -- news.php -- services.php -- sitemap.php -- suppliers.php -- tools.php -- vision.php -- dynamic files in the pages subdirectory (carried over from previous versions of the website): -- bmiForm.php -- feedbackForm.php -- new dynamic pages in this version of the website, listed in what might be regarded as a typical usage order: -- estore.php (formerly a static page, now a dynamic page, so finally ... we have our e-store) -- catalog.php (any site visitor can view our product categories) -- category.php (and view the items in any particular category) -- registrationForm.php (but, purchases require registration followed by login) -- loginForm.php -- shoppingCart.php (once logged in, users can "shop" by adding and/or deleting items from their shopping cart) -- checkout.php (checkout provides a receipt and inventory adjustment) -- logout.php -- files in the scripts subdirectory (carried over from previous versions of the website): -- menus.js to handle the dropdown menus -- rotate.js to handle the image rotation on our home page -- bmiFormProcess.php to act as the "driver" for handling the BMI form -- bmiFormValidate.js to validate the data entries for the BMI form -- bmiCalculate.php to perform the BMI calculation -- feedbackFormProcess.php to act as the "driver" for handling the feedback form -- new files in the scripts subdirectory, listed in what might be regarded as logical groupings: -- connectToDatabase.php -- displayListOfCategories.php and displayOneCategoryItems.php -- registrationFormValidate.js, registrationResponse.php and registrationFormProcess.php -- loginFormValidate.js and loginFormProcess.php -- shoppingCartProcess.php, shoppingCartAddItemFormValidate.js, shoppingCartAddItem.php, and shoppingCartDeleteItem.php -- checkoutProcess.php -- logoutProcess.php