ch10/readme.txt This chapter's directory contains the final version of our Nature's Source website in its nature subdirectory (for details of which see nature_readme.txt), but it also contains several SQL script files which you may (or may not) find helpful when you install your own copy of our Nature's Source website and are experimenting with the registration, login and "shopping" features it provides. Here is an annotated list of those SQL script files, each of which can be activated from the MySQL command line when you are "using" your copy of the database from the command line (you could also use phpMyAdmin for the same purpose): -- get_table_sizes.sql - best used to confirm the current table sizes in your copy of the Nature's Source database -- get_me.sql - used to confirm that "you" have in fact succeeded in registering in the database -- delete_me.sql - used to delete "your" registration if you wish to try it again for any reason -- get_orders.sql - shows the content of the Orders and Order_Items tables and is very useful to get a behind- the-scenes peek at what's going on as items are added to and/or deleted from the shopping cart and an order is eventually "purchased" by checking out -- delete_orders.sql - clears out the Orders and OrderItems tables, if you wish to start over with a "blank slate" as far as orders and order items are concerned Note: Any one of these scripts can be invoked by entering mysql> source filename.sql; at the MySQL command line, provided you have logged in to MySQL from the directory where these files are located, are currently "using" your copy of our database, and have modified the files appropriately as indicated by the comments within them.